One of the curiosities of life is when we come across something that peaks our interest, or can even create a sense of excitement - and then within sometimes minutes there begins waves of doubt, concern even resistance. And that initial response totally disappears. It’s many things however the dominant thing is that this is totally normal. Think of another time when you’ve come across an opportunity to expand your senses or experiences. And did you not then also have waves of thoughts of doubt, concern or potential hazards? Brene Brown’s research has shown that it’s almost a prerequisite for success. From that doubt and vulnerability is born courage and bravery to move forward; to take the next step. What...
When we sense that we need to course-correct in some area of our lives and we choose not to, we often find ourselves dealing with life’s “2 x 4” version of change. We get fired from a job that we’d known for a while was no longer a match. We override our body’s intuition and eat something that results in us being up all night sick to our stomach. We avoid being honest with a friend and then find ourselves in a blown-up misunderstanding that takes weeks to repair. Our capacity to surrender to the process of growth in our lives may be hindered by several factors. Fear of the unknown, trying to avoid hurting someone, and the illusion that...
This week, make some time to Increase Your Circulation. Does something feel stuck in your life? Did you start off the year with great motivation, only to find yourself stuck in old patterns? Healthy circulation includes both giving and receiving – and more often than not, it is fear that causes blocks in our ability to freely give (or let go) and receive in life. One great way to get unstuck is to activate the Principle of Circulation in some aspect of your life. Here are some examples to consider: Clean out a junk drawer; give away a bag of clothes/shoes that have not been in circulation for a while. Anything that hasn’t been used in a while contributes to stagnant...
Today, consider working with the intention to Upgrade Your Perceptions. How we perceive our life influences the way we feel about our life. Some may argue that they are only being realistic – that there is only one way to look at things – “realistically.” The problem is that our experience of “reality” is powerfully influenced by our past, our fears, and our cultural conditioning.